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Homeshare UK Animation

Animation & Social Care

Homeshare expands proposition to Scotland through animation series

The hero image for Homeshare UK Animation, a project of Liverpool based design agency, Hopeful Studio.


Social Media Handover

Social challenges

With rising costs of living and an increase in loneliness for both the elderly and the younger generation, Homeshare UK is an innovative model that brings both an empty nester and a young person looking for accommodation, under the same roof.

Client offering

Homeshare UK is part of Shared Lives Plus – the UK membership charity for more than 6,000 Shared Lives carers, 150 Shared Lives programmes, and a growing network of over 20 Homeshare providers. Its value is in their ability to connect vulnerable people together in a way that empowers mutual care and support.


Homeshare UK needed to communicate the proposition to their new market in Scotland quickly and affordably. Without social media content and visual media, getting across the value to potential users and stakeholders was difficult.

Hopeful value

Our studio embarked on a very quick and practical end to end process for crafting explainer animations. We worked closely with the Homeshare UK team to extract their communication requirements, audience pain points and storytelling architecture to illustrate, design and render a series of highly bespoke branded animations.


An increase in enquiries, an uplift in engagement and the successful resourcing of the Homeshare UK team to continue their business development activity with confidence and clarity.

Next project

Branding the UK's first Homeshare network

Brand & Social Care - Homeshare UK

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