Identity Discovery
Market Awareness
User Revelation
Brand Development
Creative Direction
Art Direction
Identity Discovery
Market Awareness
User Revelation
Brand Development
Creative Direction
Art Direction
More than 100 over 65s died because of dehydration or malnutrition last year, according to data from the Office for National Statistics. In a world where every step we take is meticulously tracked and our heart rates are continuously monitored, why should we settle for outdated manual logs and relying on memory to track our fluid intake?
Through co-production, our studio provided detailed discovery workshops that allowed us to un-ravel the brand persona, core value system and consumer buying persona's. This insight with the support of further quantitive data analysis provided by the client, brought a great clarity to the initiative.
The brand is still in a phase of development. We've uploaded it's journey to our portfolio page to showcase the art and design direction involved.
Invite us to pitch, tender or consult. We'd love to get to know you. We are passionate about seeing your potential as an organisation reached.