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Foster Birmingham

Fostering & Social Care

A resource and members portal for care workers that need extra support

The hero image for Foster Birmingham, a project of Liverpool based design agency, Hopeful Studio.


Website design and build
Members Portal
Resource Hub
Notice Board
Events & Training

Social challenges

Recruiting care workers can be difficult within the social care sector. Once recruited, retaining workers through engagement and resourcing also provides its challenges.

Carers often don't get enough support once they commit to caring. In the case of fostering, it can be very new and overwhelming.

Client offering

Foster Birmingham offer ongoing support for their carer community. Through advocacy, advice, resource and matching, they are invested in seeing fostering done well in their local region.


In a digital world, and with society being less connected, staying engaged with carers can be difficult. This makes offering support a challenge.

The values and barriers image for Foster Birmingham, a project of Liverpool based design agency, Hopeful Studio.

Hopeful value

Hopeful co-designed and build a members environment for the fostering care community to access training, advice, resource and ongoing support.


The organisation has already seen an increase in stakeholder interest and engagement through the co-design process of the piece. Ongoing feedback has become a regular work-stream for the organisation and the sense that care workers are building the platform for their own support is proving deeply impactful. A greater sense of advocacy for the brand and its intentions is emerging from the stakeholder community.

Let's work together

Invite us to pitch, tender or consult. We'd love to get to know you. We are passionate about seeing your potential as an organisation reached.